minute detail
- 微小的细节

If such seemingly minute detail can have such dire consequences , how can we trust models to be accurate ( since models , by definition , are supposed to hide or remove detail )?
But pain pathways have to be dissected in minute detail if new targets are to be found .
The little girl was able to describe the man in minute detail .
I had remembered in minute detail everything that had happened .
Published in1987 , this work examines in minute detail the life of a man in a small village .
This was a show they had helped to choreograph , sometimes in minute detail .
To look at critically or searchingly , or in minute detail .
Tens of thousands of different proteins reside in a living organism , controlling important chemical processes in minute detail .
He told the story in such minute detail that he might himself have been an eye-witness .
And he proceeded to describe that Polish summer , in 1938 when he was four , in minute detail .
Even when the threesome are apart , they remain in constant contact and mirror each others lives to minute detail .
That 's why I always discuss my proposals in minute detail with the experimentalists whose work is most closely related to my ideas .
There is so much variation amongst the big gulls that even looking at single tracts of feathers in minute detail seems quite useless .
The Beckhams have been sharing every minute detail of their holiday on social media much to the delight of their millions of social media followers .
Fortunately we had planned the race down to minute detail and I just concentrated on this program over the58 laps .
Wireshark also supports a huge array of protocol decoders , enabling you to examine in minute detail the contents of the packets and conversations .
At a Chinese wedding , everything is arranged to the minute detail : old classmates were seated around one table , colleagues at another , and other new friends were at a third one .
He insists on telling everyone what to do and how to do it in minute detail ( even though we 've all been excelling at our jobs for years ) .
In his novels J.R.R.Tolkien took care to depict each of the cultures of Middle Earth in minute detail , which is what makes this world so fascinating and so real for readers .
The online archives , which will be updated as new cases are reported , catalogues in minute detail cases ranging from the easily dismissed to a handful that continue to perplex even hard-nosed scientists .
Searching on Sina Weibo you can find millions of posts discussing and sharing opinions about the drama or affectionately poking fun at the character . There are posts dedicated to analyzing nearly every aspect of this series in minute detail from clothing to etiquette and cinematography .
It 's one way to take the sexiness out of the City.Staff at one of the world 's top investment banks have been issued with a 43-page dress code specifying in minute detail what they can and can 't wear - and it 's bad news for fans of tight skirts or lacy black bras .
The authors gave a minute and detail description of clinical feature , ultrasono - graphy , inferior vena cava or hepatic venogram , CT and other radiologic demonstration of Budd-Chiari syndrome retrospectively .